Is the Proud Family on Disney Plus

Cruise Ship

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On December 30, Dave Berg, from Naples, CA, and his family took off for a dream vacation, a five-night Disney Wonder cruise from Miami to the Bahamas. His mother-in-law, ill with cancer, had always wanted to take the trip, so Berg, along with a 31-person party, looked forward to crossing it off her bucket list with her. Two days into the cruise, though, the vacation came to a dramatic halt.

The cruise was going off without a hitch until Berg's granddaughter, 4 months old, started spitting up. Jennifer Moak, the baby's mother (Berg's daughter), took the infant to the on-site doctor, who provided the child with medication for seasickness. Hours later, he called the family back for an additional checkup of the baby. As soon as they arrived, though, the doctor told them they had to exit the ship. "He said because of [the baby's] age, she wasn't supposed to be on the ship and that they would be, I think the word that he used was 'terminating' our stay on the ship," Berg told ABC.

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Although Disney Cruise Line changed their travel policy to allow only babies 6 months and older on board, the new restriction didn't go into effect until January 1, two days after the Berg family boarded, and their travel rep confirmed they wouldn't be affected by the new policy in the first place.

Either way, Berg, Moak, her husband and their daughter left the ship, which dropped them off in Nassau in the Bahamas. Although Disney arranged their transportation and accommodations, the Bergs were deeply disappointed. Besides having to repeatedly ask for a car seat for the ride to the hotel, the family claims the hotel was nowhere close to the standards they expected after paying $1,000 per night for the cruise. Moak also told ABC that there was nowhere for their infant to sleep in the "fleabag motel," so she had to sleep in their bed with them. "I know that they thought that it was safer for her to be off the ship, and it could have been, if the situation was dealt with in the right way," said Moak.

The incident also came with a hefty price tag for the family. Even though Disney paid for the hotel and their flights home (after much pleading), the Moaks were still charged gratuities for the nights they weren't even on the boat. They also had to pay $1,200 so the baby could see a doctor in a Nassau hospital.

The family is looking for the company to apologize and for them to compensate for their disappointing experience. "I will never be able to have the experience that I should have had with my family. My grandma and grandpa are both very ill and this was our only trip together, and that makes me very sad," said Moak.

Due to medical privacy reasons, Disney Cruise Line could not comment on the case.


Photo by Getty Images

Web Editor Marlisse is the Web Editor of, and she hails from Bronx, NY.

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Is the Proud Family on Disney Plus


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